Passing URL parameters to Lightning Component

Enrico Varriale
2 min readSep 18, 2020

In this article we will explore how to pass parameters via URL to a Lightning Component hosted by a Lightning Tab.

The steps are the following:

  1. Create a Lightning Component
  2. Create a Lightning Component Tab
  3. Pass the parameter to the component via URL

1.Create a Lightning Component

Here’s the code of the Example Lightning Component:

To enable direct navigation to a Lightning component via URL, add the lightning:isUrlAddressable interface to the component. This interface is used with the lightning:navigation component to navigate from one component to the URL-addressable component.

In the component’s controller retrieve the attribute values

2. Create a Lightning Component Tab

In the Salesforce Setup/User Interface/Tabs/New “Lightning Component Tab” section, create a Tab of type “Lightning Component Tab” with name “MyComponentTab” to host the Lightning Component called “MyComponent”

3 Pass the parameter to the component via URL

URL format:


In our case:


Open a Lightning Component with a Formula Field:

Also a formula field can be used to open a component via URL passing a parameter.

Let’s look at an example: here’s a Formula Field named “Link” to open the Lightning Tab:

Formula Value:




Enrico Varriale

Lead Architect | 19 x Salesforce Certified | Head of Helsinki Salesforce Developer Group